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How to Swim Faster: Tips and Tricks

Updated: Sep 22, 2023

Swim faster with the right technique, consistent practice, and proper hydration and nutrition.To

swim faster, you need more than raw power. You need to improve your technique.

A horizontal body reduces drag, so make sure your hips don’t sink.Incorporate drills, even if they’re repetitive, to refine your strokes.Single-arm freestyle is great for stroke mechanics, and fingertip drag is great for recovery.

Cross train outside the pool to increase strength and flexibility.Plyometrics increases explosiveness and flexibility, while yoga increases flexibility.Resistance training strengthens specific swim muscles.Breathe bilaterally in the freestyle for balance.Exhale fully underwater to maximize oxygen intake.

Use swim gear to enhance your stroke phase.

Fins develop leg power.Pull buoys target your upper body.Get feedback and analysis from a swim coach or video analysis.

Waterproof wearables provide valuable metrics.Balance it with proper hydration and adequate rest.

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